
Yeri Ali


5 anni fa

We Were Here

We are here and then we're not. You are there and then you're not. (aloud and) We are there alone…

5 anni fa

The Owl of Love

I am the owl, the owl of love. At night, I suck it in, I suck it in. By the…

5 anni fa

Red Seas

Red seas come but once, red eyes all too few. They lie like they become. She used to say, "look…

5 anni fa

Raise the Flag

Raise the flag, raise the flag, oh boyo. Raze it to the ground.

5 anni fa

On the Edge

On the edge with a gold coin in my pocket. On the edge with a gold poem in my pocket.…

5 anni fa

Last Song

If this was our last song, what would we do then? (If) this was our last song, what would we…

5 anni fa


Cocodrillo, rana, lùcciola, siréna, geco, capre nana, pappagallo, e un veccio olivo e un pesce rosso e un chorisia e…

5 anni fa

Adages of Cleansing

Adages of cleansing, the wet cloth. Ratio for a piece, the hand dry. The one plays, the one sings, into…

5 anni fa


5 anni fa